Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Jedi Academy Mod (1.3)

New version available! Find it here.

By cHoSeN oNe
Date: 05-23-2003




This mod is the official mod for the Jedi Academy. A server-side only modification designed to keep the peace and order on the servers. This is the final chapter of this great series. With that in mind, I set out and improved this mod a great deal that makes it stand out from its preceding versions. It's loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Emotes, Options, and cVars; Extremely modified to meet any clans expectations. This is truly the only mod you will ever need to get that doesn't alter the normal gameplay of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast® Please visit us at or on IRC at #jedi-academy,

1.3 - Special Edition
mnpcaccess does not give client access to cheats.
You can now use clients names for assigning mnpcaccess/mnpcnoaccess.
Fixed an emote exploit due to g_mDebugCheats set to 1 and cheats enabled. (debugKnockMeDown)
Fixed emote exploit when in spectator.
Disabled the use of pushing/pulling dropped items. (this fixes the weird spawnpoint bug)
Empower only gives team force and team heal power as an extra when playing team games only
Empowered clients now has stronger team force and heal when playing in team games.
g_mAdminGun - Enables/Disables AdminGun system. (includes script)
Fixed using emotes when dead.
Fixed using terminator and unterminator to become alive after death.
Fixed Teleporting the dead.
g_mAllowTeleFlag - default is enabled, if set to 0, clients cannot teleport during CTF and CTY gameplay.
New BanIP.dat file stores banned ip's. Full use of 1024 saved ips activated! ( written by Lee Oattes )
Clients cannot use emotes during movements, specials, backattacks, and other saber attacks.
Tweaked the whois command a little again to make it more stable.
Server messages print better for clarity.
New Voting checks, 1) Failed Vote Delay, 2) Need 2 clients to call a vote 3) No voting within 1 min of map change.
g_mAllowVoteMap, g_mAllowVoteGameType, g_mAllowVoteKick - new cVars to control certain voting rights.
Clients can no longer change their name during a vote to escape its purpose.
g_mGiveAdmin - if set to 1, you can grant an admin access level to anyone on the server.
madminaccess, mdenyadminaccess - commands for granting/denying admin access to clients.
New admin command mprotect/munprotect - protects client on server from attacks untill client attacks others.
Silence/Unsilence has new mode parameter.
Sleeping and Punished clients now are invulnerable to attacks.
Explode now gives you a selection of which appendage you wish to detach.
Enable/Disable use of black color names.
Client's nick can now be 50 characters rather than 32.
mreward command removed.
New logout function - to logout as an admin or knight.
Timeout to spectator finally working correctly with g_inactivity timer. ( written by Lee Oattes )
Ignore - ignore certain clients from chatting so you dont have to listen to them.
Punished and Sleeping clients can no longer use the \kill command.
New cVar g_mNameChange - Name changing time allowance, default is 1 minute.
Same name checking, auto renames when a client with same name is found.
New g_mAllowBotLimit, g_mMaxBots, and g_mMinHumans to control amount of bots and players on the server at any given time.
Saga Mode compatible, including all bug fixes made by authors in Lucasforums.
Included Filter for all QTracker� servers using JA Mod. (Double click JAMod.qtf file to install [automatic in windows installer version])
Optimized Source code to increase speed and stability.
All Features included from previous releases.